Thursday, November 17, 2011

First Postcard :)

The very first postcard I received, from Pavel who lives in Pribram, Czech Republic. I received this postcard on November 17th, 2011.  Svata Hora means Holy Mountain. I didn't think that I would receive a postcard from Czech Republic, because the most Postcrossing user are from Germany, Finland and Belarus. I think this is nice :D

I've been a postcrosser since September 2011. The first time after I registered I still didn't know how this stuff work. Until in the October I found a Indonesian girl's blog that write about Postcrosing, then few weeks after that I sent my 3 first of postcards, they were one to United States, one to China, and one another to Germany. Also I sent one private swaps postcard to Portugal, but it seems my postcard got lost :( I haven't heard from her again even I sent her message almost every month. 

Ok, I hope this is going to be great :D
Happy Postcrossing!!

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